Coletex SAS es consciente del impacto que generan las conductas asociadas a la corrupción y soborno transnacional (C/ST) y la importancia de combatirlos de manera conjunta, por lo que les agradecemos su compromiso en cumplimiento de la ley como colaborador, socio, proveedor, cliente o tercera parte, con el fin de administrar y prevenir de forma oportuna y responsable este tipo de riesgos.
Coletex SAS presents the following extract from the Transparency and Business Ethics Program Manual for the knowledge and application of its stakeholders; in compliance with Colombian legal regulations, our code of conduct, and the risk policies that allow us to act with integrity in the development of our corporate purpose.
The policies, procedures, and controls implemented by Coletex are used in order to prevent risks associated with the prevention of crimes associated with corruption and transnational bribery (C/TB).
The following are the most significant aspects that are part of our PTEE program:
COLETEX is aware of the impact caused by the conducts associated to corruption and transnational bribery (C/TB) and the importance of fighting them together, therefore, we thank you for your commitment in complying with the law as collaborator, partner, provider, client, or third party, in order to manage and prevent these types of risks in a timely and responsible manner.